— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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By the way, in vain you rush over the point of "virtuous possession of dirocol" in the resume. Very necessary, it turns out! I would even organize special courses and send my boss there first! The Fuck! Now I am dealing with his sewing of documents to send some to the administration, so he did not accumulate these holes from any side, almost diagonally! And then apparently the usual hole broke or fucked and began to "bite" with a decorative hole. You know those in the form of hearts and multiples! And it would be nothing, but we work in the police and he has been 50 years! The Fuck!
P.S.: And his mom has been parked under the chair a toy tank for the third week. Well, you have to study, because soon the chair of the boss will take!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna