— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Olga told her, a Chinese student asks her: “What is a protein in a cage?” Well, she let him explain, and so, and so, she painted the white on the board, here's such a beast, nuts bite, still Pushkin in the fairy tale - "The white of the song sings and nuts bite everything", but here's the protein in the cage, the cage also drawn, there and there, and there's also the protein in the wheel, it runs there, and there's such an idiomatic expression - "rotates like a protein in a wheel"... And here's the Chinese all this he hears, he's listening, and narrow Chinese eyes he's getting wider and wider... And shows his textbook, on biology. And there’s the title: “Protein synthesis in the cell.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna