— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I went home, no one was hanging, rushing out of the corner, drunk into death, barely on my legs to hold... Well, I think only that I was still reluctant... He pulled me close, slowly so "scan" me looking from above down and back, and then dreamingly so said "Oh you!" and fell. And it was winter, I am sorry for him on the one hand (it will freeze), and on the other hand it is scary (unfamiliar, healthy, drunk ambal), and he does not even try to get up, such a feeling that he fell asleep. And it is a pity to call the police... In general, not without foreign help, they brought him home to me. We have been together for 3.5 years. By the way, he does not drink. ^ ^ ^
Fuck how dangerous it is on the streets becomes catch and drive home

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna