— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I will tell you a story from my student life. Unfortunate students of technical universities mostly study such a subject as a copromate (sold copromate - marry). A horrible thing. And the entity, or more precisely the prep, was not given me at all. Prepod was a man of life, but he was terribly strict about his subject. And here came the exam, and I knowing that I will not give up anyway from the first time, I decided - yes and well, his nafig) I generally appeared at 9-00 in a rather stinking condition for the exam in a suit, lacquered shoes, etc. The groups laughed. I boldly entered the auditorium, sat down on the chair of the surrender, laid a note and, trying to speak clearly, said: "Sorry, please, I did not endure and married yesterday." The teacher whispered 10 minutes. I was happy with the three.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna