— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I recently watched with my nephew the telic, and there showed a Czech cartoon from the series about the crout.
A sunny day... a rabbit wakes up... takes a healthy trombone, goes to his friend a mushroom... he takes a puddle, they go together to the eggs – by the way, the eggs are somewhat blue, apparently of an unconventional orientation)) Ezekiel takes the drum, they all go to the sunshine and... start playing?))) ha ha! If it were))
The rabbit by the gesture of the wizard gets a bottle of champagne from the trombone, a barley from the drum - glasses, and with a fun whisper they start to BUTHAT))) Honestly!!!))) I was so upset that I barely fell from the couch. It was called the "feast of the beasts")))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna