— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 119 - ]
Again the UG. I forgive you. But still...
I am a single guy for 20 years. of Moscow. Very sympathetic. Many even call it beautiful. Their height is 192 and blue eyes. I study in Sysadmin, I work on two jobs. There is no time to look for the girl. I just want the gentleness and warmth of a woman. I don’t have to eat, I know how to cook. Only for yourself. Please write me, girls.
Two Two Two 86 Two 6 Two 0.
P.s Whoever gives a plus - I will give a beer to everyone without questions, if suddenly there is the only one :)
P. p. s Cat, shredder, blue caterpillar, green six.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna