— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A friend told me, further from his face: I was travelling in Moscow. Stopped the hiccups. He asks for rights. I can’t find them and remember that I left them in my jacket at home. I tell Haishnik that in two hours I will bring the right, because I forgot. But he damaged the car on the evacuator and took it to the nearest penalty parking lot. He issued a fine of 50 rubles and a parking penalty of 900 rubles. I understood that it was a conspiracy, a mafia, corruption of Haishnikovs with penalty parking lots and evacuators. For 4 days, the parking lot issued a fine of more than 4000 rubles. I was refused to submit a parking permit by the employee, probably there was no such. Once I have decided so, I am with you too. He paid a fine of 50 rubles. Drawed exactly the same payment on the computer for the amount of 4000 rubles.
I bring, give the employee a penalty parking, he says fine, I take the car. In a few days I get a call from the parking lot and they say I have to come. Then he called with the same proposal. I told them that they should bring me to court and there we will find out who is breaking the laws more: I, the haishnik or the parking lot without a license. They did not call me anymore.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna