— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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ASD: This is something else. Here, my parents and I made a change in the kitchen, and now at the entrance to the kitchen, there is a refrigerator.
Asd: And as usual I decide to feed the cat, I open the freezer, in order to get the fish. And my being, at the sound of a swirling package at once, no matter what he did, flew into the kitchen at an enormous speed...
Asd: And here again, I shoot the pack, I hear these sounds: He jumped from a non-bias height. There was a loud blow to the floor, a gaining speed (nails on the laminate), and here when the speed is already limited and it is already close to the kitchen...
I turned around to look at him... :D He saw the refrigerator too late... And it was noticeable on his cheek. I have never seen such eyes. Here he presses on the brakes, and the laminate... the blow, was the maximum...
Hahahahahahaha! I presented... the refrigerator and your cat are not compatible...
Asd: Yes, it’s not the end... I’m hysterical... he doesn’t know why he’s running back at the same speed... I don’t think he’s already overwhelmed... I’m shouting with a package again... And what do you think?
Hahahahahaha! The urine!
Asd: He goes on again, with exactly the same enthusiasm, and crashes into the same place again :D I couldn’t stand it...
Qwe: Crash Test CATE O_O

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna