— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He studied in the Lyceum (Hello, Erudite) and attended the Faculty of Informatics. He was led by a young teacher from the university.
Here are the classes. The cabinet was small, and all the visitors could fit in the first parties.
The teacher rings the phone, he removes the phone and says "yes, I am in the high school, at classes". The man who sat closest to him as a rabbit "Ma-a-a-ha-a-a-a!!! Thats a woook-u!and "

Further expression of the face of the teaching - O_O
And in the telephone:
and Mom! What kind of babies? What kind of vodka? I teach children!

We caught with laughter.

p.s Yes, we were avenged for that. :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna