— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The tourist agency. The man of the bandit type exhausted all the nerves of managers - then he is not so, then he is not an edak. At the end of the day, he chose everything, paid for it, said - the lady will come for the tickets tomorrow. Managers in horror - represent the same lady with claims to everyone and all... travel as usual carried out with delay, so there are unpleasant explanations.
A lady comes, cute and smiling. I looked at it all, took it - it all suits, a joke even told some... One of the managers can't stand: girl, I'm very sorry - how do you live with him?
The girl’s response:
And I don't live with him - his wife lives with him) And I only go to rest with him))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna