— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 87 - ]
almost business correspondence)

WOW –?? to
You know he’s always lying on my chest at night while I’m reading books.
I am starting to suspect.
Ohh - I put the book on the stomach, he has no place to lie down, he first tried to sneeze it, then he started to bite, now I let his nails work.)))
Wow, let’s go there more carefully, yet the poltos gave for it.
hhh - ah, my catayko mega destroyer of notes, procrastinate his nakhen ))

..........the next day

Ohh - listen... here's the thing... short I drove the cat yesterday to the floor for the night, so this fucking code I slept reminded straight on the key, and powerful so, liquid ((( short... how much do you say there for it gave?and (
Yippidy yi yippity yay.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna