— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And again, for instance, this morning, this fur-shaped woman accompanied me to the bathroom, evil by God, and with the apparent intention to bite me with her cat's fingers, because, you can see, these very legs, the night before, were too challenging and at the same time lying far enough on the bed.
And because of this provocation, His Holy Majesty did not calculate the range of the jump and knocked on the magazine table.
Oh yeah, to eat the spider from the wall he was also not able to by my fault. After all, every self-respecting owner is obliged to name the house small cats.
And yes, if you are reading this, my dear Mantoux, know,
Every night I get up and go to the kitchen just to eat your food, drink your water and lose all your toys.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna