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The Fate

The real story, which took place on 16.05.2010 in the Azov Club of parachutists, from the words of a friend of the daughter - an immediate participant in the events. Both girls were already heroines of history No. 14 from 15.01.2010. The daughter is also fascinated by parachutes, and only by a happy misunderstanding she was not in the plane, which is discussed below.
An-2 aircraft with 12 parachutists at an altitude of 3,000 meters suddenly fell into the fog and a wet pearl cover began to break on one of the wings.
Losing symmetry, the aircraft went into the storm, gaining speed in a free fall. There was no possibility to get out of the plane, because everything in the cabin was mixed into a common pile. The participants, watching in the front window of the pilot's cabin rapidly approaching the ground, could only hug each other, saying goodbye to each other. At the peak, the maize reached a speed of 350 km / h, almost twice the limit, and he began to tear the cover in the tail and on the second wing. However, symmetry has been restored.
The pilot at altitudes from 300 to 150 meters managed to level the car and land it in take-off mode.
Upon leaving the plane, all participants of the events felt a second birth.
The girlfriend of the daughter turned to the instructor with the words: "Oleg Petrovich, probably not fate! You have to stop jumping!” To this, the instructor - a former lander who passed through Chechnya - replied: "On the contrary - fate! We are all alive! Life is continuing!”

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