— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is from George Orwell. I think you can believe. Orwell heard it from first hand and believed it so much that he shared it with readers of the English magazine Tribune. And to the lies in the newspapers he was categorically negative. And the story, in general, is not very surprising. There were thousands of such.

In the storm of 1944, during the somewhat late liberation march through fraternal France, the brave army of His Majesty captured the enemy unit with a Russian tricolor and the letters of the ROA on the sleeves.
Forming the prisoners, the staff of the British counterintelligence encountered two dumb boys. All attempts to extract any personal data from them failed — they refused to understand the simplest questions in all the languages known to well-educated British officers. At the same time, they beat each other, smiled, and behaved completely hostile. The colleagues showed that the guys always stay together, with others do not get along, but understand a few words in the great Russian command. Where they came from did not know the officers.

Injured, the spies summoned the leading Oxford specialist on the little-known Slavic languages (he is well-known, half of the officers in the
He studied in Oxford. Professor is serious. About the Nizhny Luzhic language, for example, he wrote a book, Kashub understands it as his native language, and he almost writes poems in Ancient Slavic. The professor came, talked to the boys and so on, but he left with nothing. They were left alone in the prison camp. Not until the war is coming.

And in the camp, Tom served an old sergeant, a veteran who fought throughout Asia, fought in Burma, India, Afghanistan. One day, he heard a conversation between the girls. He immediately recognizes the language. The fact is that our heroes spoke no other language, but one of several Tibetan languages. They have high mountains there; there is one language, and in the neighboring valley it is quite different. And it was in the right valley that the sergeant had to serve in his youth. The boys were taken back into circulation and with the help of the sergeant easily learned the following.

One day, during a walk in the mountains, these guys, brothers and sisters, apparently talked, wrapped up in the wrong valley, and crossed that imaginary but holy line, which was carefully guarded by Comrade Karatsupa, his faithful dog Ingus, as well as the rest of the fighters of the Main Directorate of Border and Internal Guard of the NKVD of the USSR. Brothers are caught, professors-linguists from Moscow for some reason are not called, but instead sent without delay to one of the structures of socialism. With the beginning of the war, the brothers, as not especially guilty, immediately called, in the reserve regiment trained the team "Ura!"And with the marching company they are sent to the front to make another breakthrough. The weather was harsh and there was a lack of people. Whether they were taken prisoner or they themselves passed to the Germans – history is silent. With the orientation to the terrain, they were known to have been weak, and maybe they simply lost in the enemy’s trance.

In the German camp, the brothers after some time are recorded in the chivi (without understanding a word) and, unstoppably dragged by fate, are sent to the group of armies "Africa", under the command of "Desert Fox" by Erwin Rommel.
You have to think, they are serving in the abbey. Together with Rommel, they are evacuated to northern France, where shortly after landing in Normandy, they, due to Slavic origin, are dressed in the ROA uniform and thrown to the front to make another breakthrough. There unfortunate brothers and get captured by the British.

All this time, they did not talk to anyone but each other, and had no idea where they were, why, and what was happening around them. Nevertheless, they did not go crazy, but on the contrary, persistently endured all the burdens and deprivations of military service, as they were testamented in the reserve regiment.

At the end of the fairy tale, Orwell jokes that in order to finish the plot, it is worth these guys to register in the British army and send them to war with the imperialist army.
Japan, so that one day they approach their hometown, but from the opposite side of the one they went to ten years ago. I am afraid that they would eventually come closer to their homeland, but not as the guards of His Majesty. But I want to believe that the iron nerves did not leave them, and their fate was not as bad as it could have been. There is a Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna