— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 136 - ]
(Commentary to Pornography)
-- the video is not Russian... there even the rosettes are not our immediately visible on the first screen
I thought the name was Russian. The sounds are incomprehensible. I did not look at the rosettes. I can’t understand why the rosettes aren’t like ours.? to
And I think that our (patriotic) boys and the bourgeois rosettes were hanged for conspiracy!
- intrigued by rosettes cacao sps
- Yes, I looked at unclear what the connectors but this is not the main thing surprised the other - such a feeling that both wires turn out of the same hole - how can it be - they will never turn on the telephone.
At night I don't sleep, I worry about the same question, I worry about the boys, how they look at the box.
Let’s go down the ruble, guys on a normal roulette.
I would even give 1.5
And I am jumping. I’ll look at the roses there.
Where can I buy the same rosettes?
The roots decide...
Is there anything else with these rosettes?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna