Appeal to DarkRider:
Dear Dark, you, as the father of all the Russian bujorga, have always satisfied the reader with great quotes, the quotes you made were the most funny... but, you have started hiring too many other models, we understand that the quotation is very much and you yourself cannot cope with such a number. Yes, for example, Aalien often apruvit good quotes, but there is one modern.
His nick is Zoi, he apruvited a dozen quotes, apparently believing that the quantity is more funny than the quality and the expedition does not understand that people are already laughing at Zoe and not the quotes. A huge request, if not to remove him from the position of a fashionista, so at least to hold a lecture, during which he will be explained that it is not necessary to crush the dumbest messes. Zoe became like a Petrosian, just as boring and without a sense of humor.
I sincerely hope for understanding and support from both the Dark Rider and the Boorga readers.
Good luck all day.