— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work for television, and this trip drove me to the deaf Udmurt village. There is no dining room, no store... it seems that the Germans have already retreated, but the Red Army has not yet entered the village...
We were placed in a single-storey school (good summer, holidays). Near the school lived her director, a strict, burdensome man, sixties, and he had a strange hobby... to run an air snake every day.
It seems like something like this, but the pleasure he did not clearly get from it... runs on the grass sweating and screams... - fly the fox, I tell you!!! You will fly or not!!!? to
We watched him every day (and even a couple of times a day), putting out different versions...
Maybe he wants to get into the book of records? It is not an option...
He may still be upset that they chose Gagarin, not him.
At night, we closed the door in the closet.
Once there was no wind. he attracted his wife to his flights... the director runs, that there is strength to the grandmother, passes her a staple stick in the form of a rope from a snake and the one runs on the crooked legs on the grass.
The woman obviously does this job even more disgusting than him. We’re in shock... Well, if you’re Brother Wright, why be ridiculous about your wife... in short, as they say... we’ve gotten upset by this fun...
We were really stressed when the man ran with his snake into the rainy rain under his umbrella.
The long-awaited day of departure has come. We load things into the car... and the director of the school of course launches his colorful snake with a spiderman... he pulled him to the ground, began to whip the ropes.
At the door of his house comes his wife and asks:
“Well, grandfather, did you give up the right...?! to
Of course I gave up!! All categories are open!!! to
I couldn’t stand it and asked if I could start a conversation.
Does the serpent have rights?
The director... - this son got the rights, he works in Izhevsk...
With these words he lifted up a serpent from the ground, spread it to me, and I saw that a nochia was attached to him with an isolation.
- Here the cell phone does not take, and I run like a boy, smc to my son
I send...

Children, this is a headache.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna