— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Monday begins fun!
YYY: Well a story?
XXX: the prehistory is this:
The child was vaccinated in the days, and in the evening his temperature rises. Yesterday he was wiped with vodka, which his wife poured in 200 grams. The cup...

The story itself:
I woke up late today and so the coffee was a bite, decided to drink it at work. I go to the kitchen, take a cup with water beside the graffiti, a quarter filled with water (as I thought at the time), pour it to the edges and drink with a sling.
When I did this, the thought arose that the taste of the water somehow became different and at the same time familiar to the pain :))) I finally realize that it is water :D wax from the morning drank - the whole day is free!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna