— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the store of building materials worked as a loader a low, thin man.
When I met myself, I was introduced to myself as Nikolai Ivanovich Mazai. Later it turned out that he had a completely different surname, and Mazai he was nicknamed in the hospital for the constant desire to "smash" and he was very proud of it.
Looking at Mazai, I was amazed at the capabilities of the human body. Every day after work, he was drunk with friends so that he went home, fell asleep, continued to move "on the autopilot" and came home without any help. In the morning, without the visible consequences of drunkenness, he resorted to the warehouse in time, and, without waiting for orders, found his own job by sorting and storing the saw material.
One day, at the end of November, after eating, as usual after work, I did not get home with a friendly drink. Falling into a deep pit, he could not get up. It was dark early. No one saw him until the morning. At night it hit the frost, and when it was found in the morning, Mazai was lying, shrouded with ice.
The police arrived with a truck. They opened the boat and, breaking the ice around the corpse, swept the deceased into the body. After hitting, the body revived, and began to despair. From horror, the whole crowd was fossilized. Mazai, realizing that the militia was here in his honor, swung through the board from the side of the cabin and fled home.
When they opened the store, the shaved and sober Mazai, not sneezing or coughing, had already brought order on the territory.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna