— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I disputed,

What does not come to the mind of a drunk! Sometimes a lot of hot food, we argued with friends who would bite the apple more.
After choosing the largest apple, I opened my “barrel” as wide as possible and bite the apple in half – one half in my hand, the other in my mouth. I got stuck, I can't close my mouth, I can't do it more broadly, I tried to forge an apple with my finger, my finger didn't go. In short, the seat. I stood, a traffic in my mouth, my eyes on the output, my mouth like Kvasimoda, scared, dumb. My friends are rushing. Up to tears. I cry too, my cheeks hurt. In general, a lot of anguish, before they came to me that I needed help.
They think how to get. Here is the second attack of laughter - take the stitch and let it twist in my mouth. They struggle and get hysterical. Someone fell to the floor and ran. could not pull out. The stick broke out of the apple, leaving a small hole.
So go that way. Can you breathe? You can. The apple is not basil.
very much. They are just scattered into pieces.
The matter came to the cup. They put me on the couch, they forge the apple with their own spoonfuls, and they say:
Give yourself a plate!
Milla, I am already suffocating from laughter, they just can’t move.
Finally, the apple cracked, and I pushed out the remains with my tongue. The mouth is not closed.
- Close your mouth, Michurin, or the flies will remind you, - compassionate continues.
There is no place to take a fly, and right into my mouth. There was silence because from the cramps of laughter no one could pronounce a sound, only the roads of laughter.
Well, in general, the next day nobody could move, everyone had stomach pain.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna