— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Sanka: Yes, I went to the parent’s house, Daddy told me the shit, as always.

Sanka: I remembered how I had fun in student years.
There was fun "fishing".
The essence is this: in the sort of fisfak doors in cabins without folders. The one who sits down to fuck, holds the pen from the inside with his hand.
people, including the papule, approach the busy cabin, gently pull the pen.

Sanka: Essentially, the reaction of the guy inside - immediately knock on yourself, say, busy

Pcholka: And what?

Sanka: After this, the one who is outdoors is rushing on himself, and the one who is outdoors is crying out a joyful cry "WOW, WOW!!!" and with all the nonsense breaks the door on yourself)))))

Pcholka: Agagaga, intellectual entertainment

Daddy and Sasha went fishing.
After the "cloaked", Sakok with a scream breaks the door, and in the middle of the sorting flies out holding the whispered professor of mathematics Hatsiperovich.

Higher mathematics Sašek passed two years

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna