— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We are used to living in a world of nuclear deterrence. And we forget that it is simply literally an army of people - only busy watching - as if nothing.
So, there is such a city Obninsk, there is a bunch of different clever research institutes, on the territory of one of them there is, for example, a warehouse of weapons plutonium.
(This is not a secret, for example, here is a reference
straciya-sistemy-kontrolya-za-xraneniem-plutoniya-i-obogashhennogo-urana do not think).
Sometimes in this research institute at one of the routine NTS (scientific and technical council) the local authorities discussed the issue of "landing" in the city of a new nuclear heat supply station (well, they designed them here - wanted to sell for a budget account. Such negotiations last for years and usually end at nothing.
The prosecutor of the city, Dmitry Narusov - the brother of the same Narusova, who is the wife of the same Sobchak... - decided to come to this NTS from some body. What he needed there - now it does not matter, it is important that he went by himself, without warning anyone.
has arrived. And on the passing – the clock – “pass?” He gets the city’s prosecutor’s cheque. Soldier – 0 emotions – “pass!” What a hustle
"pass" - the City Prosecutor by law - has access to all enterprises of the city except military units, (where there is a military prosecutor) - and the Prosecutor
The city was excited - with a xia in one hand and a gun in the other he tried to pass the clock force. and ah. hour at the execution.
He overturned the lock of the machine, laid the prosecutor's mouth on the floor and pressed the alarm button "armed attack".

... as it then turned out – this BUTTON – “armed attack on a nuclear hazardous object – a warehouse of weapons plutonium” – simultaneously transmits a signal to: the local regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the local FSB, Minatom, the Ministry of Internal Affairs – central, the FSB (central), the Ministry of Emergency Affairs, the General Staff, the Ministry of Defense, the government, the administration of the President, the IAEA, the administration of the American President, the Pentagon, the unified command of the NATO Rapid Response Forces, and the hell-knows-where-yet (I think diplomats also did not stay aside).
How many serious people have been raised on their ears in just a few minutes?! to
The incident was quickly removed - a cradle of our laws - it turned out that the minatom enterprises do not have prosecutor's supervision at all - neither military nor civil.
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But now we know who Xusha went to.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna