— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I came to work, as always at 7-45, standing with the boys we smoke on the parking lot..Here, at speed, the Jaguar XKR comes in and parks to the director's seat (the director's "Kamruha"), the music is full. The doors open, and because of the steering wheel, literally falls out, our trucker, Serega (the guy has 15 thousand salary)...stays up such, shaking, shaking, the car closes not on the signal, but on the key.
Then, in his face, there is a thought... the look becomes frightened, he turns to the car... then he looks at us again (the horror is already read in his eyes), and he gives out.
-Bl@, god I don't know where it came from... And shaking goes to the warehouse.

My husband and I smoked for a long time and thought a lot.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna