— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Red Tank:
What is done with people. Now the slug, on a terribly screaming skateboard, clinging to the neck of the stool and chanting it like horns forward, passed through the corridor under the cry of "Adun Toridas!" Next, in an attempt to keep the balance, furiously waving the hands in which the extenders were pressed, not less furiously, the electricist drove on the clips, after which he successfully fucked his forehead into the wall under the replica "Carrier has arrived, Ischk'nu, hoole". A minute later, the admin followed them, darker than the cloud, pushing the server stand in front of him. Looking at our roaring roots, admin said dissatisfied:
Has the hoodie gone out? Good Day Commander. Hall cruise reporting, - after which he knocked himself under his nose. Fuck me, who am I working with? He breathed out and added loudly. "Heyling frequency is open, Tola, fool, open the door or I will shake you up with this yamatagan from the run-down!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna