— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Cause: traffic jams due to repair works on the Leningrad highway.
Gromov’s phrase: “Let people move to helicopters.”
A silly task: to write a note about what else, in addition to helicopters, you can overcome traffic jams on the roads.
Well, I, of course, thought and thought about the airballs!
and bingo!
I call the office, which is engaged in these all kinds of entertaining trips on airballs, and ask them:
I: And if I want to fly on your balloon to Sheremetyevo to pass traffic jams, can I rent it?"
At the end: a long silence
I: I breathe hard in the tube
In the end, are you sober?
I am: “Buddy” Yes! So is it?
At the end: If the wind blows in the right direction, you can fly to Alaska.
I: * with an enlightened mind * Logically, fuck it!
At the end, the phone was thrown.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna