— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Talk about how to cook charlotte between girls.
x - Tanyuša, hello, please tell me the recipe for the charlotte like you cook
y - a glass of sugar, a glass of flour and 3 eggs, apples cut to the bottom of the pot
X – how much milk?
We do without milk.
X - No and how much
How do I know we do without milk?
X – How much is a glass?
The glass is the glass.
X - what diameter should the eggs be
y – ordinary chicken eggs
x - the test must be liquid or thick
Y is liquid
X – How liquid is it?
y – slightly thicker than the blades
X - what diameter is the pot?
Y - how do I know which, any bowl
x - aaah understood, and then closed with a cover and on open fire yes?
Y - as you can cook the cake, it must be in the oven
X is yes? And for how much?
Y - for 25 minutes
X - aaah, understand, but exactly in the oven?
If you know how to make cake, please do it.
X - Tannushka, and the apples will have to be cooked before the cake?
Why do you cook them? - Smoothies
X is raw.
y - yeah yeah yeah yeah
X – Okay, I’ve got it done, thank you. The question is, how much milk?
Y – Blue... Go buy peelings...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna