— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We were in the company of Kazakh. He was instructed to take part in the PW training. In school he studied until the third grade, then passed with his father horses. At the age of 18, the father brought the director of the school a horse, received an attestation for his son Jomart and sent him to the army. He read our hero with difficulty, and to write from ten years... learned.
While sitting at classes in a secret class, he swallowed a wolf, but could not remember a name. To him, it is a tumble that the display is a set of meaningless sounds. With tears in his eyes, he asked the squadron to put him to wash the toilets, to shake the barracks at night, but not to force him to teach what he could not imagine. His family lived in Yurt without electricity.
Stallone went on principle. You don’t know, we learn, you don’t want, we force. How do you learn the Chinese “War and Peace”?
And here our Jomart sat in his free time in a closed secret classroom and poured tears on the secret literature.
Once, when I was day-to-day on the CPC, our parents came to our Kazakh. They arrived for a week, the time before the return train was three hours. Our squadron came out to them and said that your son is the dumbest of his soldiers. That if they had raised him better, they could have been sitting with them at the stall for three hours now, and so, your backward son, is sitting now ten steps away from them and teaching the names of the blocks. Staley took a net with candy and bursacks, gave honor, turned around and left.
Jomart’s parents hugged, cried and went home.
I have never met anyone who was capable of such a miserable act.
But the time went, the Kazakh did not advance in writing the word "mama" and in the operation of the height meter "PRV-16".
Starley did not give up, he urged the sergeants to arrange a difficult life for Jomart. But the work he was not afraid and there was no reason to beat him somehow.
The sergeants decided to subdue the Kazakh.
In part, it was announced that a general from Moscow arrived in the days with a check.
We wandered for days and nights, bringing order and preparing for the construction inspection.
The sergeants took the machine machine of the Kazakh, took it to the workshops and polished it there on the machine to the mirror glow.
They pointed out to the poor guy that if they ask, keep silent, you bet, we will kill.
Suddenly the general arrived. We were raised by alarm and built on the square.
Imagine all the machines are black, and the Kazakh shines like mercury, not a single black spot. You will not pass. The general slowly approached, took the machine machine in his hands and shouted: "Comrade of soldiers, this is your weapon!!!"? to
Why is it so glowing!!! Why did you crack down!!? to
Comrade Major, I am not a demos. I have a pasta goya. must
A clean machine.
He showed the general a cloth and showed him how he was a machine machine. The general took a cloth, losing her a black machine near the standing. 2 minutes to 2 minutes.
Commander of the company, this soldier to me!
The rotting marched.
General: - Comrade Captain, for the poor condition of the personal weapons of the soldiers of the company entrusted to you, I announce you a penalty!
Comrade of soldiers, get out!
and Eat!
Jomart is out.
General: Comrade of soldiers, for the diligence and diligence shown in the care of personal weapons, I announce you a short-term leave for 10 days, not counting the road. No more than three machines, to the hole erase.

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