— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The force of love.
Before the New Year, when there were no tickets, a student had to go.
Vitaly in a common wagon. It is still fun, but night and half of the day can be spent. On the lower shelves were filled with four sleeves, and on the second and third were lying and tolerated. You do not go to the toilet, the chicken is up - the place is gone.
Because it was unrealistic to sleep, they spoke all night.
In the morning, the girl came to her station. Although they did not kiss or even say anything like that, but each of them realized that they were in love.
When the train stopped, Vitaly guessed to ask for a phone call. It was in the last century, so mobile phones were only available to the rich. The girl scattered her home phone on a newspaper on the table.
The train touched. Vitaly jumped back into the car and began to dream: the New Year's holidays would soon be over, so as to return to Moscow and call her soon.
He returned to his place and his slightly cramps were not enough: Aunt sitting next to him, broke the newspaper and threw out with the remains of fish. The poor guy could not even argue with them, it was their newspaper. Under the astonished eyes of the passengers, Vitaly wiped out of the garbage a piece of a newspaper with the first three digits. The other four were already far away, on the slopes.
All he knew about her was that she had a very rare name – Natasha, and that she would soon get married to a childhood friend. She could not find her name because she was driving without a ticket.
Upon returning to Moscow, Vitaly took the business: He pretended that in the worst case, he needed to make 9,999 calls to find Natasha.
- Good morning, please call Natasha to the phone.
During the evening, I managed to call 70 times, several times ridding Natasha.
If it wasn’t Natasha’s soon marriage, then you could not rush, four months: call, call, call... but time was expensive. Moreover, since he didn’t announce, why didn’t she get married?
And our Romeo went w-bank. Cheaply, because of the winter and the rush, he sold his favorite motorcycle, got into debt and hired housewives, in the amount of 12 girls, promising a large premium to the one who finds Natasha. The callers got faster because Natash’s husbands and fathers didn’t question them specifically.
Two weeks later, Vitaly was already standing with flowers in trembling pencil waiting for his beloved in the subway, and three years later they gave birth to my son a classmate.

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