— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XXX: Going I Bugs Calling
<< advised to read on leisure book the exile of buffs, bubbles, homeowners.
<< Book from the series Domestic impure force.
YYY : =
XXX: People call out ghosts.
But the bugs cause the amins. :D
YYY : :D
XXX: I presented myself with this picture:
Half-dark room, all the windows hanged, in the center of the room a pentagram, black candles, some sacrifice, on a bloody altar.And there are bushes, all such.One slowly ignites the candles, and quietly says: Everything is ready, open the quip, we will call the admin.
YYY: ughu..... in the center of the pentagram, a blue flame burns the computer with BD 1C..... the bugs begin to stumble, shaking the bills, and condemning "Debit, Saldo, Credit, Subcont".....And here is when the swings reach their apogee.
The administrator breaks into the accounting system and cries: “What X%No do you create, Herodes?”and "
all! A great action took place. Admin was called.
XXX: And the head of the buch says: O great odmin!We have disturbed the ancient evil, and our magic box no longer shows us 1s.I think it is cursed.O great Odmin, help us!!! to
YYY: And then the proud Odmin arose. He lifted up his mighty head and spoke with a loud voice: DOSTALI, C%? He put the statement on the table and left. And was such.
They say that to this day, in one deserted office burns a blue light of computers and bugs circle around him. For now he serves other gods, and the bulls have no power over him anymore.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna