— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Master.
It was a long time ago, thirty years ago in Leningrad. The master of theatre course, the folk artist of the USSR, I will not name his name - he, unfortunately, is already dead. His kingdom is heavenly.
After another big role in the movie, our master finally bought the long-awaited Volga car, and being a man of a wide soul, invited his whole course to a expensive restaurant to wash the purchase. There were numerous toasts for the teacher, for the accidentless ride, etc.
But the Shalopai students decided to play their favorite teacher: they distracted him with conversations, pulled the keys from the Volga pocket, one ran out to the street and moved the car to the courtyard next to the restaurant. The master drank a little - still driving, happiness and so he was drunk. He was fun and conversational. He even went to call, ask his wife for a longer time, but it didn't work out - he was going home. The boys said, "You sit, sit, the business is young, they will bring a dessert, and I went. Don’t worry, I paid for it all.
- We can take you to the car, please, we can give you a pen.
We smell...
Look at me, sit down and dance.
Well please please please please!
Okay, let us go.
Everyone got out of the restaurant and came to an empty place on the sidewalk.
The teacher became hysterical: “Where?” They stole! They stole! The new car!
I’m suffocating... Heart, oh... It hurts. How is it?
The students, seeing that they exaggerated, immediately cried out: - Don't worry. It is us. A stupid joke. Forgive us...
Where is my car!!? to
Here in the yard, don’t worry, let’s go.
The teacher, suffocating, ran into the yard.
There was no courtyard in the Volga.
Where is the car!!? to
He must have been there...he was actually robbed.
The old master fell to the wall and began to slip to the ground.
I don’t care what your joke is, I’m dying guys... I don’t hold on to it.
Goodbye to you... Goodbye...
Do not die!
We killed him!
How can we live in the world now!!? to
Suddenly, the master of the course stands up, tears off his coat, everyone has a bad scene.
Well, I’ll tell you, guys, for the third class, a little weak. when
You distracted me in the restaurant by talking to get the key out.
Jacket and rating 2. I did not immediately believe. Remember your inner.
state when you voiced a ridiculous but acting very complicated text:
Do not die!
We killed him!
How can we live in the world now!!? to
There are no complaints, I believed, because you didn’t play anything. In the future, such a note will be useful to you all. And why did you open your mouths, and which whore did not put the car on the handle?
This is I...
Okay, take me along.
The teacher walked into the neighboring courtyard, and the students sat behind him. He sat in the car and started the engine. Looking out the window, he smiled:
Did you want to play the Soviet People's Artist? The children.
The car dimmed, under the joyful screams and whispers of beloved students.
The Master.

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