— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Soviet times. The PTU introduces the subject “Psychology”.
In one of the schools, a teacher of psychology, gets a young girl. And the attendance of classes, it should be noted, in such educational institutions, was disgusting, the contingent - mostly difficult teens, especially unwilling to study, and there was a person in the classes 10-12.
And here, she comes to the first class, and there are only two in the group. Learn a lesson is meaningless and she goes to look for the “people.” He goes into a smoker near the toilet, and there a man 10 cuts into cards for money. It turns out that they are her students. He invites them to a lesson:
Go to class, psychology is a very interesting subject.
Life will be useful to you.
- We are not going to communicate with psychics, why do we need your psychology then.
The student understands that continuing in the same spirit is useless:
Do not want – do not need. Once the lesson is broken, I can go with you.
Playing the cards?
Is there money?
There is a little.
She is taken. They play the swing. The rules are simple, but I will not go deeper.
Bets are made and three cards are distributed. The "eyes" came - there is a chance to win, did not come - you can drop, losing the bet, and you can bluff.
raise the bet in the hope that the opponent is frightened. But this is only in general, there are many nuances.
Explain, in short, this new lesson the essence of the game and ended up. By the end of the class, the boys are defeated, and all the money is in the pocket of the psychic. They are confused:
- No fig yourself, as well, we have the same experience, and you only
Do you know the rules and have done them all?
He is pleased with counting the money:
Well, I studied psychology, I know the subtleties of human behavior,
I can easily determine whether you have a card or not, you are bluffing or bluffing.
Three seats...
She returned the money to the boys. But after this event, her subject became the only one in the school with almost 100% attendance.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna