— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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by Lola (16:18)
I know the question is stupid, but how do I call a cat? and :)
Demonuka at 16:19:
What color is it?
by Lola (16:19)
What color can an animal be? The black witch! and :)
by Demonuka (16:21):
Funny, did she appear today?
by Lola (16:21):
I found...
by Demonuka (16:23)
Hm... well today is a programmer’s day, so call her Hell...the more she’s black...)
by Demonuka (16:26):
But here’s how your parents will react to the appearance of hell in the house, it’s a question of course.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna