— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The station, the station d. The car, three minutes before departure.
The drivers went out, I checked. On my right is a man with the face of Valuev, on the opposite is a thick Armenian and next to him is a Negro. On the side a lady, with a gentle face, but this face spoils the expression of contempt and contempt for everything that is happening. Her husband just got out of the car on the perron and sent air kisses through the closed window. We had nothing to do to look at his pantomime. He thought he would call his wife.
The lady spent a long time in the bag, found the phone, brought it to the ear, and here's the problem: she accidentally turned on "a loud communication", but didn't understand this, because the phone she pressed to the ear, and the loud speaker was on the opposite side of the phone, and it seemed to her that the sound was normal.
Half the car heard every word of the husband:
- Rodnulechko, sorry for me, this goat Igor promised me "SV" and himself barely
I bought this stinking plate with these stinking bombs. You are down.
There was a selection.
Yes dear, it is very selective.
- This, this short-cut Gondon, has stood on you (that's what he said)
Look, if it is going to stand at night, scream the guide.
Yes, dear, the possibility of such developments is absolutely not excluded.
- And this pitecantrop with Pidor's roast, a dumb one, only saliva
It doesn’t run, look carefully at it.
The lady slowly, as if unwittingly looked back at Valueva.
I will sign under every word you say. And it will soon flow...
All of us, without speaking, bite our lips painfully, so that we could no longer roast our voices and extend this fairy show. The husband continued:
Did you see there, in the corner, a fat dick? Whether it is a Georgian or an Armenian.
He likes me. Don’t leave the bag in sight so that this thick man doesn’t.
Be careful there, dear.
Yes, my dear, this victim of anorexia is stressing me too. Generally thanks
To you, dear, who have arranged for me a gorgeous excursion in the Kunstkammer, I am always
I dreamed of that...
Sorry, it’s all because of Igor’s goat.
There are also planes. Yes, and by the way, you are well there, wind, and the
Someone’s 70 kilos of muscle oil...You know?
Do you mean the smell of black?
Yes my beloved.
“Suka, and that he did not sit in Africa, is mistaken on our trains,
The crazy nigger.
The train slowly touched, and the black man switched to the word “Niger.” Probably not understanding a word of Russian. He jumped up, bowed to the lady, and cried loudly at her ear, something in French, ticking her "fake" in the face with both hands.
Here we were all broken, we were wildly strained, wickedly roaring and rocking teeth on the lady, depicting a zombie so that her husband could see it.

The husband was slowly following the train, with the face of a dying victim from an ancient deaf film.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna