— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How I caught a student thief with Skype: I work at the University, I spoke with colleagues on Skype a day ago, I left the netbook on the desk and left it for 2 minutes for a small need, I return, the netbook is not, I call my colleagues, they say you left, a couple of minutes later came up with a hip-hop view, looked at the sides (apparently I did not know that the camera was working), I closed the netbook and everything darkened. I ask, what particularities have you noticed? Yes, his hair is interwoven, as Africans love it. Oh, I know such a student, I immediately go down to the yard, here he is with a backpack, smiles like that, goes away, and well, stand, open the backpack! He throws his backpack and runs away, and there my netbook, a student a couple of weeks later, was removed from the school.
the university. Long live the skype :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna