— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Salon of household electronics. Along the wall of the TV showcase, dozens of zombies show a set of ads that are repeated every 5 minutes. When did the employees of the store still not lose their mind? But I am not about that. So, there are two grandmothers-olds probably under 80 years old, but quite vivid. To them immediately flies one of the nasoley managers, such as "Hello, what do you want to buy?"
Oh my son, the TV.
Please come, look and ask. Here is us
the new model series, bla, bla, bla...
- Yes, I would, to show it cheaper, black and white any.
You know, we don’t have black-and-white ones, they haven’t been there for a long time.
There are cheap colours.
(Here the second grandmother enters the dialogue, the intonation of aggression in the voice)
How is it not produced? We are already in the third store and do not produce!
We don’t need your color, it’s crazy in its eyes and it’s expensive! Here is
Maria Ivanovna has been working black and white for 30 years, and now repair it
They do not want. An elderly person cannot watch TV.
We will send your complaint to your shop. and etc...

While the poor manager listened to all this and spotted something unclear, one of his colleagues took the controls and removed the saturation to zero on a couple of cheap ones.
"Tubular" Samsung, lost in the window between LCDs and plasma panels. On the backdrop of the same advertising picture, the "black and white" sharply stand out from their "color" brothers.
Don’t argue, maybe that will happen.
Boy, look at me! Go there! This good man helped, and this “not”
They produce, they don’t produce...” Behold, it’s immediately visible, in the eyes it doesn’t shake, and
There are 4 thousand, not that they are 15-20 for millionaires. Let us take,
But the people will know, will fly, will buy such a rarity.
In general, we chose one that cost 50 rubles cheaper and went to the design. What happened when the grandmothers read the instructions is unknown. And maybe no one has read the instructions, the courier of the delivery service connected everything himself, set up and grandmother Masha will live long and happy with her new black and white TV.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna