— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It happened that the wife started calling an unknown number and silent on the phone. Well, once, well, two, but when it started to repeat once every two weeks, or even more often it was time to take action. When I went to the service center I took the printing of the conversations for the last 3 months (and paid for it 90r.) I went to my wife. Further events take an unexpected turn: no requested calls are found in the list of calls! The first thought: whoever undermined the operator’s database (yes, it’s absurd, but it’s:-). In the process of clarifying the circumstances, it was found that the calls were mostly in out-of-work hours, most often after or BEFORE the calls of the wife, i.e. She is monitored, constantly, everywhere: at home, at work, in the transport! After such turns, I began to suspect that either my wife is cheating on me, or my wife is schizophrenic, or there are no aliens.
The puzzle turned out to be uncommonly simple and interesting: in the new sensors Samsung has a fun feature - a false call. When the screen is turned on after pressing the volume reduction key for 3 seconds over the specified time interval, an emulation of the call occurs (well, like a pretext to drop). In some models, you can even put a calling melody, a photo of the caller, its description, number and record a voice emulation. It was such a call involuntarily and came out of the spouse. I was not aware of this 
P.S Read the manuals 

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna