— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have completed the secretary-referent courses.
Today was the subject "Basics of working in the Windows operating system".
I expected the worst, but that was it.
It turns out, the cursor is a flashing stick!!! to
And hardware and software – hardware and software respectively!!!! to
And I also learned about wonderful keys called "backspace", "escap" and "printscry"!
We are three, fucking three!! - hours explained how to rename the folder, how to master the MOUSE MANIPULATOR and that "if you pressed the caps lock, all the booklets will be big, BETTER THIS BUTTON"!
My God! David Blaine is resting compared to this unmatched computer magic!
And we will be taught these "basics" looking for almost a week!!! and gt;
I’m going to be a professional in the spider from life like this.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna