— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Americans eat hot dogs, the French eat frogs, and we Russians, what’s worse? This reasonable question was asked by the people of the glorious
Dmitry in the past. Until then, the winter waves in Dmitrov were somewhat sunny - the citizens are drunk, they will burn the cheek, their eyes in the salyut, their mouths in the salad...

So this time the program of the holiday decided to decorate with games for adults. Not the best for kids, right? Games have come up with a few - fighting a wall on a wall for a snow fortress, shooting in a tirade on the drawn women and what I am going to tell you.

The hero of this game was a ruby, round-little blunt. Blinds baked in a pavilion in the city square. And the game is this - whoever eats the most blines, the money prize and a beam of excitement. The losers of the record, on the contrary, pay the cost of the eaten, and from that same money grows the jackpot for the next winner.

On the evening of the oil Sunday, the deadly record was 52 blins, and the jackpot grew to 22,000 rubles, because four dozen applicants were unable to reach the record. One after another, people departed from the pavilion - with round, painful stomachs and weakened wallets.

But here, it seems, a serious candidate approached the pavilion - the school.
Vasily Egorovich, a real mountain man, a meter ninety height and width with a barrel. He went hand in hand with his wife, a small teacher of physical education.

Oh, Vasya, twenty two thousand are playing! Try it, right? - said
The Wife. You will buy me a new coat. For the second year, before
People are uncomfortable.
“No, dear, your coat is good. I need a laptop for work.
Better to...
My wife’s face was terrible.
Better not to argue. The coat is such a coat, he gave up.

Vasily Egorovich stood up in front of the pelvis with cloves and began to quickly throw them into his mouth. The test circles disappeared one after another in his enormous body. The cook said loudly:
Seventeen, eighteen and nineteen.

In the fourth decade, the speed dropped significantly. He began to look at every shit before eating. At the beginning of the fifth decade of Vasily
Egorovich became suspiciously heavy and pulled off his jacket. The forty-eighth shit had eaten already in pieces, with tame pauses. Finally, taking in his hands the forty-ninth crap, Vasily Egorovich squeezed his lips and issued some sort of nutshell.
No more... I can... he whispered.
What are you, Vassula? The fool? We don’t have money to pay for.
Nothing eaten! Eat it!
Vasily Egorovich looked at the shit and turned away. – is
It does not go down.
My wife was pale.
What are you standing? I was upset. Go home for the money.
Oh, and it is true. Sorry, Vasenko, the teacher of physics has turned
and ran home.

As soon as his wife disappeared in the crowd, Vasily Egorovich smiled insidiously, flashed at the audience and immediately threw in his mouth the forty-nine throw, and a dozen others!
“Your twenty-two thousand,” the cook gave him the money.
I will buy a laptop. And the coat to his wife - later, when he learns not
Disputes with the head of the family. - said Vasily Egorovich, addressing the spectators.
I’ll go and glad her that you can’t pay for blinks.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna