— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I lived without the internet for 18 days!! to

1st On the first day I did homework. He took out the garbage, washed the floors, cleaned up everywhere.
2nd The next day I washed my windows and watched TV. It felt like a breakdown without the internet was about to begin.
Three The lump began. He was depressed all day. I screamed at the cat.
4 is Take out rubbish. There was nothing to clean. I screamed at the cat again. and stupid. I read free newspapers.
5 is On the fifth day, I started watching the series on NTV. It became bad.
6 is The sixth day started in front of the TV. I saw in the Galileo program a story about air snakes. The remainder of the day
7 is It was an air serpent! He broke a knife and used all the cellophane found in the house. Hungry the cat.
8 is He went to the sea to launch an air snake. Liked it.
9 is I decided to do sport. I ran around the house in the evening. Neighbors are confused.
10 is ......

On the nineteenth day, the Internet was connected. He removed the air serpent from the closet. He stopped running. I have eaten a lot. I stopped communicating with people. I hate the internet!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna