— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was told by my friend and colleague (highest qualified ORL doctor).
Required preamble (sorry if it is long). Unfortunately, tumors can affect any organ, including the larynx. Any type of tumor requires surgery, but its volume (as well as subsequent treatment) depends on the type of tumor. Sometimes this can only be discovered during the operation itself. It happens approximately this way. During the operation, the doctor gets the necessary access to the tumor and sends its fragment for analysis. This fragment is referred to in the pathologist-anatomical department (in common language - morg); there are pathanatoms.
FAST (express methods) determine the type of tumor and FAST report the result frozen in waiting at the operating table to colleagues - ORL doctors... and then - everything according to the standards depending on this type of tumor. In order for this repeated "FAST" to be really fast, pathanatoms about such planned operations are warned in advance - well, to sit in place, and not for cakes and other necessities.
Now the story itself. The head of the ENT department talks to a patient who has found a tumor of unclear type. The conversation takes place in the presence of my friend (docent of the department), who, in fact, tomorrow will have to operate this tumor. Addressing the patient, w. Exposes everything that already sounded in the preamble: say, you, dear, a tumor... and what - we can not say exactly... tomorrow during the operation we will find out everything... say, let's take a piece and quickly figure out what this tumor is... then we will do everything we need, in the best way... say, don't worry, everything will be okay. Arriving to these words, he turns to his colleague-docent: "By the way, Vladimir Valentinovich, don't forget about our tomorrow's operation to warn the MORG." The curtain.
I wish everyone health!

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