— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A colleague from past work said:

He worked as a geologist in the fields. Their expedition was sent to a guard somewhere near the polar circle. Their workplace looked like this: the tundra, in all directions the same and flat. At the center of the tundra is their watchhouse, in which they live and work. Around the guard are installed instruments that take testimonies. The expedition is a couple of weeks.

One morning, my acquainted geologist runs out of the guard, suffering from a terrible multi-day bump and, as usual, does not even focus his eyes, because there is nothing in the tundra. But the brain, tired of alcohol, still captures new information - it sees how a lonely strauss runs far away, across the tundra. He ran and fled. My acquaintance geologist in shock, promises himself never to drink again, because white tea is scary and ruthless. Then he again notices the wrong thing - he sees a man riding a motorcycle behind the straws on the tundra, a motorcycle. The geologist in horror hides in the guard.

Without telling anyone a word about what he saw, he completed the watch, and they removed the base and left the tundra. Later he found out that, first, a few kilometers from their base, it turns out, there was a strawberry farm, in fact, the strawberries are very unpretentious and perfectly tolerate the frost. Sometimes, the straws broke the fence and tried to escape, and the owner of the farm was chasing them on the tundra on a motorbike. And, secondly, that straws and his owner, it turns out, not he alone saw that morning at their base, but nobody said anything to anyone.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna