— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I’m walking yesterday with a girl... I see a cockroach jumping on the ground (falling out of the nest) and his parents jumping next to him!! The girl cries... like save the baby... I look up, like a strong tree, to climb real! I’m coming to the small, everyone is running out of panic! The evil Godzilla decided to eat the baby! I caught the wicked man - immediately everything was silent, he stumbled into the backpack, the backpack closed, he went to a tree! As long as you are lying all quietly and quietly... just like in movies... strange birds are chasing you on every branch and what cramps you from behind! Dolez... put a miracle in the nest... if I reached it... this shit even knocked me up! I start to tear and these hurt parents and another 5 crowns start to throw on me!! The guy delivered the cargo and jump! You are a big shit! As a result, the coat, the backpack is similar, the hands in the blankets, the girl is in love with Pushhi, I am in the shower... at night, the reward was royal!! The Conclusion! Play more often and only in the presence of the female sex!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna