— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Fuck, the first digits of my number are the same as the city code (####)! Not only that some inhabitants of our city type the code of our city before the main telephone number (!So these fools don’t pick up before code 8. so everyone who calls the number the first digits of which (right after the code) come down with the last of mine, fall to me for execution (something like "But, MORG", "Help for fools, I listen to You") But there are fools who try to engage a conversation:
I:(standard) "but, MORG"
Cretin:"A Dime, can you"
I:"We don’t have one, but there’s one on the 2nd shelf"
Cretin:"Can I get it on the phone?"
I:"He is unlikely to be able to talk now"
Cretin:"What about it?"
I:"I don’t know, I haven’t opened it yet"
Question: "Who is who?and "
I am:"Dmitry Gennadyevich!"
Cretin:"Fu...bla... not that!!and "
Kretin:"I need Dmitry Vasilyevich"
I (nearly crashed out of the chair)"We have no such yet"
Cretin:"If it is appropriate, let me know that he promised to bring me the flash";
I:"Good" (I cry)
You need to call the other 99 subscribers, whose first phone numbers coincide with the city code, and find out how they mock such fools. Maybe we can organize a club ?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna