— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The beginning of history:
The Saturday. I lie on the couch - "I hurt", I torment the phone. A neighbor with a perforator went upstairs and has been methodically perforating something for about a month. From the nephig to turn on the phone "blue tooth", which immediately finds someone's pipe. Trying is not torture: I am renamed in settings like "off, drop, perforator: заебал" and send a request for connection. A second after five, the perforator is silent and wild rust is delivered from above. The neighbor has been two days as I can’t hear ?

Here is the continuation:
How far has progress been made. I decided to save on repairs and do it on my own. I fold the wall and here by the edge of my eyes I notice the flashing screen of the mobile phone. I take the mobile phone in my hands and there illuminated - you want to take the data from "off, the perforator fell: got stuck?". I am in Aachen!! to

You found each other. xD

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna