— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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menta fucking barely to the department did not take... I go down from the loft (cable pulled inter-home) and I mint with a machine in a helmet type to the wall... ppc
well mom approached her told me that I was shot... fucking in the shrough then there were 2 butterflies with mints full of combat readiness.. and here the fox we 6 people descend from the loft with the staircase cables and tools... some dwarf called and said that on the covers terrorists with fanarians... and this we from 12 days to the hour of the night pulled a screw pair on the truss... you drop from the loft you slide in an automatic oak tick and crack to the wall and then to the floor (
I was camouflaged with a mahahedhat hat on my head as in an avgan (by a cloth dress) and all in the wires of a whipped pair and ads slide and in my hands a disassembled switch plate...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna