— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One of my acquaintances worked in the fun nineties in a store.
Small and wholesale distribution of garden and economic inventory.

This is what the store was called. Well, it was in the owner-director such a fantasy was unsuccessful, unsuccessfully coupled with pedantry. Not that is the essence. And to squeeze in Russia, as is the case in the rise... In general, my acquaintance manager worked there. By the way, call him Vitalik. It was at the end of autumn – the beginning of winter. The winter began, somehow snowless at all, which Vitalik did not expect, but expected, exactly the opposite, i.e. abundant snowfall (he followed the forecasts of the synoptics, miserable). And here, at the expense of these unjustified expectations, Vitalik bought for sale a batch of not quite expensive, but not quite cheap snow-gathering shoots.

In the office, the director had a simple order. If the manager has purchased the goods unliquid, and the goods are "forgotten" (i.e. not sold out for a month and a month), then:
First, the manager does not receive the prize for the next three months.
not from any part of the goods, including from others, which may
It is sold “on hurra” and lives on a “naked” and very modest salary.
“To live for one salary” (c)
Secondly, if a batch of goods is not sold in the second month, then in the third month.
Month (and subsequent, if the amounts are not covered) manager’s salary
It receives a barter in the form of this most unsold product.

Well, it is obvious that Vitalika never arranged such an arrangement. Especially since the month was coming to an end, and less than a dozen shots were sold out of the whole batch. In general, Vitalik stumbled, raised all his possible and impossible acquaintances and also found a "buyer" for the whole batch of spots. Then he joyfully called the director and said, literally:
I have agreed on everything, tomorrow we’ll buy all the boots.
and all. No more than half a word. And, yes, it should also be noted that the director of the cabinet had no separate and he sat in a common room with all his staff. And also liked the director to talk on the phone not with a cell phone in his hand, but by turning on a loud communication. That is, Vitalik’s report was heard literally all.

All this happened after lunch, and Vitalik, pleased that he turned out and did not lose his blood premium, with a calm soul decided to score for the rest of the working day.

A few hours later, something terrible happened - the clock called at 10 p.m.
"the buyer" and said that he changed his mind and he didn't need these blades.
Such sorrow the soul of Vitalik did not endure and he struck into drinking. Specifically it hit. I was so struck that I woke up from a terrible belly only after two days. Well, shaved a little, washed, healed with a bottle of beer
(Blessedly the boss looked through his fingers on such a matter on one side, and on the other - the whole of the figure was already Vitalik. And the prize was covered, and for the walk the director will twist in full, and here even the head will not be quite bo-bo).
And I went to work. On the road, Vitalik only became worse and more unhappy, because behind the windows of the bus rained rain, and the snow was not that which did not smell, and in general, the whole nature as if to say that autumn smoothly passed into spring, and winter this year went on holiday.

When he came to the store, Vitalik was very surprised. There was no bullshit in the store. Not one one. at all. To the fact that everyone looks at him somehow strange, he did not pay attention at first. Until the director ran out to meet him, held his hand, asked about his well-being, asked if he had a headache... In general, Vitalik, gently speaking, was sick. And when the director asked if Vitalik could agree there to sell the rest of the goods in the same way, and, in general, to agree on the future, Vitalik naturally stumbled on his own. The misunderstanding was another.

I will not describe how, what, and in what order it happened, and how reality was drawn, for Vitalik did not tell me this, but, in general, here is what actually happened:

After the call with the refusal of the blades, Vitalik got drunk almost immediately, reactively, and disconnected from reality for two days. During that time, the following happened. In the morning, when Vitalik had a nightmare in a drunk ugar, weather forecasters issued another forecast that some terrible and unclear cyclone is approaching the city, which carries with it terrible snowfall. After this forecast, a thin stream of buyers behind the blades pulled into the store. Well, in any case, or not, the synoptics suddenly guessed...

Managers and sellers began to whisper between themselves that Vitalik-de had found the phone of the chief meteorologist, and told him to go. On what the director to the managers bragged that the chief synoptic he knows personally, and
Vitaly does not agree to live with him. So if Vitalik agreed with anyone, then with the "Heavenly Office", and no less!

There was snow at lunch.

And so it went that the city was literally overwhelmed by the evening.
A thin stream of buyers turned into a solid stream. And by the end of the day, not only the Vitalykovs were left in the store, but all the others in general. The director was sitting on the betrayal, and thought whether he was successful in joking at the expense of Vitalik’s call to the “heavenly office” or not.
What would you think of in the place of the director? When an employee calls you, he says that he has agreed on the sale of unnecessary snowballs, and after that the snow begins and the snowballs are purchased?
I would probably be a bride as I thought.

And at night the snow suddenly turned into rain and by the end of the next day there was no trace of the snow. And Vitalik continued to sleep in the nirvana of drunk ugar and neither in his dream nor in his spirit assumed that this time the "heavenly office" and without a call was on his side, Vitalikova.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna