— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A call from a distant Siberian city

In those years there were still no mobile phones, but they already began to delay wages and steal the cable to the flower store. There were a few days and hours left for the NHS. Early in the evening the phone is ringing at our house - the male voice is very sorry and asks only to tell him - has he called our city?
In front of us, we are all happy! What is the problem? Yes, my wife has something with the phone... It happens... With an attacking one! And you too! Let’s break down, in short.
Even after an hour the call is the same voice, but already some disappeared and almost crying: he is calling from a distant Siberian city, and in our city he has only a student wife from his acquaintances, removes the room, and we, he met us an hour ago (!) is
He called his wife all night, but there was something with the phone, he tried to change the last numbers in the room (such as calling neighbors) - useless! Then he changed the first number and came to us. He asks only to call and tell him that he has a ticket for tomorrow. Let us call! There is no problem! They themselves were in such a situation - stuck with a child in the village, the only telephone at the mail does not work. My grandmother is worried.
(Maybe not to survive) They scratched the number with a nail and handed it to the passing driver.
We try to call our student: no replies at all.
- hardly heard noise and voices, and even music is heard (telephone specialists will clarify the situation). Everything is clear: at the end of the year-quarter-month-decade, the plan at any cost, is "further improvement of the telephonization of the population". Or, on the contrary, the bombs of the cable cut off on the mole. We will find out the address.
We have friends living nearby! But even their TLF is silent like a partisan in the interrogation. The car is under the windows – we gave the word to call!
We will knock at the door! Here is the address, here is the apartment. There is no one’s apartment. We call the neighbors – yes, the owners of the apartment of grandchildren are nursing somewhere. In the neighborhood there is a girlfriend.
Instruct the neighbors, leave a note at the door.
The neighboring house is less than a hundred apartments. My wife and I put each other on a “weak?” Find a girlfriend.
We entered the house from two sides. I already encountered the grandmother-s-lavochki on the second floor (there are benefits from them!) She, moving away the neighbors, directed me to the right apartment in the neighboring entrance. The woman is already knocking at the door. No one calls the neighbors again. Yes, we were, Our girlfriend came in, wanted to call the Aeroflot reference. Have you understood the TLF? Aeroflot is serious. It is no time for us to visit friends and with a pleasant neighbor never to go for tea. We try to find out what our girlfriend is dressed in - the answer: sweaters-shorts-tops; special signs - Our girlfriend is very upset about this.
Instruct the neighbors, leave a note at the door.
Go to the nearest airport. There is no one like my girlfriend.
There was another indifferent soul in the reference. Popularly explains to us: in front of the NG all tickets are purchased in advance, there is a “book” (for the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
KGB), at the airport before the very departure you can try to buy a ticket from this armor. The indifferent soul calls somewhere else and adds:
“Far Northern Cities” trains have already gone, the next, suitable for
Ours in an hour and a half. We go to the airport (we gave the word), but on the way we decide to jump to the railway station. Our one there we found – identified by special signs – weeping eyes, a dirty cloth in one hand and a simple suitcase in the other. We approach: what would you say to a man without knowing neither the name nor... nothing at all! Are you going to a far northern town? The husband had to call a TLF... Here is the TLF number we said at the same time! In response - a kiosk and a slightly blurry receipt is extracted from the pocket, and on it - our number, only the first digit is another. She only sneered at all our questions - tears prevented her from speaking. But these were other tears, tears of joy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna