— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Fuck, I don’t know what happened today.
I go home, I give the driver 1000r at the exit, well, there was no smaller in my house
xhh: it comes in original x))
He exchanges a thousand for a hundred, gives all ten hundred to me, and then says, “Now give me a hundred.”
I give him a hundred. He exchanges it for dozens, gives all the 10 dozens to me, and then says, “Give me 10 p.”
Dada, exactly what you think, gives me five coins of 2 rubles and then solemnly says: "Pay the trip!"
I give him 12 rubles and he smiles to me so: "Thank you for not giving up!! and"
I was surprised x))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna