— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was in school, a puppet theater was built in our town. Previously it was done without it, and then it was built. The director came from
Moscow, they said, was the best student of Obrazov. Here is. Only our people at the time were somewhat inert. I was not in a hurry at the theater. I went to the cinema more and more.
And then, our new doll theater, to neglect, went to the people.
He started at school and gave small performances there. Our school was closest to the theatre, so it was logical that they started with us. And here, after another performance in the acting hall, this famous director came to us for a lesson, asked for a moment of attention, and said that he needed children to participate in some new performances. He chose three girls and one boy, talked to them briefly, and left. The girl then he chose nothing, almost excellent, but with the boy, it seemed to us, missed. The boy was of low height, thin such, invisible, seemed nothing at all. I studied at 3 with a minus. But there was one nuance. At that time, he was part of the most authoritative school organized crime group. Of course, not the leader entered, but so, like his right hand.
I turned, I took it. The boy was replaced. Not that he abandoned his gang, but began to disappear in a puppet theater. Rehearsals and shows almost every day. What he did there, we did not know. And he did not say. Probably embarrassed us. The time came, and this group of girls and boys began to bring papers from the theatre, the type of liberation, from the director to the lessons. “Dear Director. Please let the artists go to the morning show.” Released without a base. We were quietly jealous of them.
It has been a year, two. Everyone gradually calmed down, became accustomed, and everything was forgotten. The puppet theater stumbled, stopped touring the schools. On the contrary, the schools set up a long row for performances.
It was our turn to go to school. Tickets were already lacking, the theater hall was small. In our day, even the gang of school did not take all, so half, from the force.
Well, come, sit down, we wait for the start. The gang first wanted to land on the gallery, but, seeing that their right hand took a place in the third row, reluctantly spread around. The show began. Interesting, relevant at that time. About the Boy-Kibalchiš We see. And here comes the most tragic moment. The bad bourgeoisie hangs on the hands and feet of Malchiš. And they are condemned at the same time that now he will be cut off if the military secret is not heard in time.
At this time, our right hand of the captain, he is outwardly, not a wonderful boy, not in a hurry, binds a red tie on his neck, stands up from his seat, and with a loud, well-set voice speaks to the whole hall, like, "Well, what are you pioneers, your mother, sit and be silent? and?
The bourgeois boy will be put to an end. We need to help him.” And then on, in the same spirit.
To say that we have stumbled, it will be too little. The whole gang immediately went under the chairs. It was a real shaker. The most funny thing is that not only did we not understand anything, but also our teachers, apparently, nobody warned. Our favorite teacher of Russian language and literature.
She ran through the passage, from somewhere behind, and shouted, “Robert, Robert, calm down, this is a theater.” I forgot to say. The boy’s name was Robert.
Then there was a small fight. Our bandit has already gone forward to save us.
The boy. The student caught him, grabbed him in a clutch, and fell in the passage. but
Robert easily got out of it and still went on stage, continuing to persuade the rest of the daring pioneers. The dusty teacher stood up hard, and, not daring to pursue him anymore, wandered into the whole hall.
Then, she splashed next to me, on his empty place, and in complete horror continued to whisper loudly to call the other children to calm, and not resist evil by violence.
Meanwhile, Robert came out in the middle of the scene and said, “Well, pioneers, who will help me save the Boy? » The gang looked around and cried on the seats, “No,” the teacher whispered between them. Everything was taken for a pure coin.
But what was there further. Yes it is. This, at all, no one expected. There, not only did our teacher squeeze in her shoes, but I thought she had time to squeeze there too.
Suddenly, from the first row, like zombies, silently, our three, almost outstanding, and following Robert, slowly, goat goes to the stage. They go out and build there with him in one shelf.
We cried out “Ura” to them and we cried with delight. The entrance to the show was full. And they, suddenly, from above began to read us poems, such as that we will all become Boys, and some who are more fortunate, even
The cyborgs.
No, then it came. What was conceived. The Director. It came to us, and to our teacher. Fuck, how many years have passed, and I still, as I remember, so tremble. I’ve never seen that again in the theater.
Seeing, and indeed, was a strong director. Or I was so impressive.

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