— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Protection of labia:
Prep (p) and friend (d)
Q: Prove me this in three ways.
D: bla bla (not important)
A: The first is
Tagged: bla bla
A: There is a second
"Long period of time"
D random: and the area below this schedule will be equal to one!
"Long period of time"
Prepod catches a sheet of paper and under the wild shrinkage of the entire audience begins to take triple integrals. Within a minute, he calculates and runs away. They did not see him again that day.
Re-protection of the lab
D: Well, you asked me last time, I replied that the area is equal to a unit.
P (thinkingly) A... yes... no... this is not true...
The voice behind: fucking, the Nobel was broken!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna